
Irish Spring

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Journey's End. 3 weeks, 5,000 miles and 7 pounds later

Under the Rainbow
After the journey of 5,000 miles and 7 pounds, I am home.
The kids and I watched "The Wizard of Oz."  Hard to believe they hadn't seen it before since it was my favorite movie most of my life. (Now, it's "Love Actually")
Seeing the story from fresh eyes, I understood the appeal.  We all share this journey called life.     As I watched Dorothy click the ruby slippers together for the hundredth time,  repeating "There's no place like home." it really sunk in.  I had an amazing adventure but it is great to be home. Home.  What is home for me?  The rental home we will be moving from in a month?  The newly renovated Foreclosure we're moving into?  My dream home, delayed again by the rain?  Home is where I am.  Wherever I am; On our home planet or the stars from which we came, an universe in motion; Constantly changing, evolving.

The purpose of both my recent journey and my life's journey is to be in the moment.  Yes, I will reflect upon my recent road trip, which I stopped Blogging after day 14 because I was too busy doing, being and experiencing it to write about it.
Although another purpose was to visit dear friends and family, solitude played an important part.  Thanks to my IPod, the driving was entertaining, although so many songs reminded me of Dard and Hawaii...of all my loves and special places. 
 Love leaves it's footprint, like a fossil.  Music stirs emotions, like a flood. "Memories light the corners of my mind, misty water color memories."  
 I never really liked that song much, even as schmaltzy as I am, (that one is a bit much.) but it sure touched me on this trip.  "The way we were." "The way I was.  They way it was...once. Reflections of memories burned into the brain and etched upon the heart.  Also a recipient of the repeat button,  Faith Hill, "Stronger"   "This is a letter to my heart. I just want us to be free... 
We both will be stronger."
So, I will be  And so I am.


  1. Trying not to cry. It was so empowering to be with you again. Friends forever <}

  2. I miss you soooooo much. I love you and so happy so see you in your place that is perfect for you. I'd like to be sitting on the sand outside your house, looking at the wind and sun on the water.
