
Irish Spring

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Day 4 Total Body Cleansing, inside and out

Day 4   Total Body cleansing, inside and out

Finally, we moved from the upper lip to the entire body.  Now that we were aware of what our particular body sensation was, we were to do a body sweep, starting from the top of our head to our feet. I must say that during this entire experience, the top of my head, or my Crown Chakra, was constantly tingling.  Using our minds, and feeling our bodies, we were to move our attention down the body.  I called this scanning, using a more modern term.  Or  Molecular Massage.  What we were to look for was blockages, numb or dead spots on our bodies, where we were unaware of any sensation.  So after sweeping, we were to return to those areas and concentrate on them until we felt a sensation.  Strangely enough, I had no blockages.  None.  

Teacher  (Kimlong Liang.  She was from Cambodia) would call us up in groups of five every other day for "check in"  She asked, sitting like Buddha on a tabletop,  "Are you aware of sensation?  Do you have any blockages?'  To that I answered "Yes and No"  She smiled.  A rare occurance.  I went back to my place and continued scanning.  I was intensely aware of the sensations.  Tingling, Vibrating, Pulsating, Throbbing.  Again, I got so good at it that I moved on to my internal organs, spine, etc.  I was buzzing.  This was a real high.  A natural high. 

And so it began that night.  Total body cleansing.  Inside and out.  Complete inner cleansing, if  you know what I mean.  I couldn't sleep at all that night, (even with the upper lip surfing) because I was on the toilet.  All night.  Until I couldn't believe there was anything left inside of me.  Full body flush.  Again,  grateful I wasn't sharing a toilet with other women.  I'm sure they would have been grateful as well.  

When I missed 4:30 Meditation, Atiah came to look for me.  I told her about my night and requested more toilet paper.  She said "Do you want some medication?"  and I replied, "If I'm going to make it through an entire meditation, Yes!"  She got me some Pepto Bismol, which did seem to do the trick.  Also, there was absolutely nothing left in my system. Just to be sure, I skipped breakfast that morning.

Indeed, I did make it through the rest of the day.  Such a relief.  And I enjoyed my walk in the forest.  As I mentioned, we were not to exchange glances or acknowledge other participants.  We would cross paths in the woods, but never make eye contact.  Except Erika and me.  We would secretly smile, but never speak.  I really treasured those smiles.  Hey, I'm friendly.  She's my friend.

That evening I retired to my 3" thick mattress on a bed of wood and slept pretty well.  Sleeping has never been one of my talents.

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