
Irish Spring

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Charlotte, Calista and I are home on a rainy, blustery, lightning/thundery, stormy day.  I love it.  We went out with our umbrellas and danced in the driveway.  Mother Nature fascinates me, especially when she is extreme.  Of the many fears I have, natural disasters aren't among them.  But, then, I have never been in a tornado, or an earthquake the magnitude of  that in Nepal.  Bless those souls. The rolling So Cal quakes we had when I was young, seemed fun to me.  Even the 6.7  Big Island of Hawaii shaker in 2006, was exciting.  What I love about rainy days is that I allow myself to relax.  Relaxing hasn't been one of my skills but I'm learning.  Dolce fa niente.  The sweetness of doing nothing. I have been such a goal oriented,  high achieving, get it done, cross it off the list person.    Such pressure I put on myself!   I haven't had much tolerence for laziness.  But one is entitled to taking it easy now and then. A day of rest without feeling guilty is healthy, essential, and an element of most religions.  I'm aiming for a Zen approach to life;  To just "Be," To have no agenda, nothing to accomplish.   I'm accomplishing another day as a human.  Today, as a grandmother at home with a 3 year old and  one a month shy of 2 years, whose terribles are emerging.  Enjoy these times?  By allowing myself to go with the moment, it is fun.  When the volume rises, though,  I enjoy it better with  my hearing aid off.

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