
Irish Spring

Monday, May 11, 2015

The first step of My Blog journey begins today.  I already took a giant leap last year.
After 23 years, I left my beloved island of Hawaii to move to Texas, leaving the home I carved out of the jungle with my late husband Bruno, which was purchased by my ex husband, Dard.  I thought I would die in that house, like Bruno did.  But life offered me another path and I took it.  I jumped on it. I sprung on it and it was painful.  "Change hurts but staying the same hurts more." as they say.   "No one said it would be easy"  is another common quote that applies.
After leaving my children and family in the early 90's, I have returned full circle into their lives.  In fact, I am the cog of our family wheel, supporting the spokes from the center. Looks like it's a wagon wheel from where I found  myself.  Hard to believe I'd end up in Texas.  I've always been a beach girl.  Sure do miss it, especially the clear blue waters of Kealakekua  and Honaunau.
7 little lives changed mine.  They were growing up without me.  1 or 2 weeks a year, if even that, was not enough to see them.  Now they are a part of my daily life.  It's not easy.  It's not quiet.  But, it is real and it is family.  We all say to ourselves from time to time, " Live each day as if it were your last." Then, we promptly forget it.  Yesterday, Mother's Day 2015, I lived with that thought in mind.   What if this were the last day I would see this little face and hear that sweet voice?   When living in the moment, it becomes magic; enchanting, spontaneous, and delightful.  To see life through the eyes of a child, can't help but make us young.  Even better..ageless.  Timeless. The mystery that is love, lives in us.  Always.

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