
Irish Spring

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 19   Yosemite 6/15/15
Magnificent splendor, a shrine to nature, a national treasure

My cousin David and his family: wife Joan,son Alex, Daughter Lidia with her boyfriend, Jestin, live in Clovis a  short drive to Yosemite.

We spent a wonderful day here. 

As a child, my family and I camped here for a week, a highlight of my life. 

I was not more than 10 but the beauty greatly impressed me.

One of Yosemite's greatest splendors is it's waterfalls. 
 I remember their flowing magnificence, now reduced to windblown wisps. 
At this point, they must be dry.  
The ranger said there were only a few weeks of flow left.
My most impressive memory was that of the Yosemite Firefall.  
(not my photo)
Burning embers were spilled from the top of Glacier Point 
to the valley 3,000 ft below.  
This summertime spectacular began in 1872 and ended in 1968. 
 Because it is not a natural event, it was suspended. 
 A good idea. but I feel fortunate I was able to see it.
 We are all fortunate in America that these parks were set aside for all to enjoy!  

Friday, July 10, 2015

 Day 18    Ukiah, CA
Aunt Tish and Uncle Dave
 They are as sweet as the smiles on their faces.
She is the last surviving sibling of 6.
Orphaned when Mom was 13 and Tish was 8, they were raised by their older brother Dan, (a walking encyclopedia; should have been on Jeopardy.)
Married for 63 years, they have never had a fight,
not even a cross word.  This could be documented.
Their home is filled with photos from the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem,
Believed to be the burial site of Jesus and where the stone was rolled away.
Dard was Chaplain of the Garden Tomb for 5 years.
His oldest daughter, Sarah, was born while they were in Israel.
                               The Garden Tomb is a green oasis, 
                           hidden behind walls in a dusty, diverse city; 
                                  a serene island in a raging sea.
It's interesting that my flash is in the entrance to the tomb, especially when you hear the story I have to tell about Aunt Tish's experience there.
She is the most devout Christian alive, I believe.
A dream trip to The Holy Land was planned.  Before they left, a tumor was discovered on her breast.  She was advised to cancel her trip, but refused.
When she entered the tomb, by herself, she said she was filled with light,
 like nothing she had ever experienced before. Indescribable. Profound.
When she returned home, there was no trace of the tumor.
This IS actually documented.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 17   Redwood National Park  June 13  Humboldt, CA
Avenue of the Giants.
On the road from Eureka to Ukiah from my cousin's to her parents.
I made the 3 hour trip almost double,
taking the scenic route and stopping whenever I could to appreciate breathtaking the majesty of these giants.  Photos cannot do them justice.  They are too tall to shoot the entire tree. 
Entrance to Bilbo Baggin's Place below?
New life growing from an old stump.

 Cross section of a tree, showing it's age and the impact from it's environment.

 Sapphire, the Subaru, drives through a tree.
Perfect fit. We went somewhere like this as children.  I think it was Sequoia National Park. Our big yellow Mercury station wagon couldn't fit  through. 

 We camped across country as kids,
 stopping at whatever National Park we could.
This was an amazing time.  No crowds or traffic. No reservations needed.  Even at that age, I felt very fortunate to have this experience.  It gave me an appreciation for nature and gratitude for those who had the foresight to designate these national treasures as parks. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 16, June 12, 2015 Eureka CA

Trinidad State Beach in Eureka with my cousin Nanci.  
We haven't seen each other in over 20, maybe 30 years but it was so comfortable and familiar. Time mattered not. Her mother and mine were sisters.  She usually brings her 4 dogs here, but we left them behind  since we were going to lunch after.
Making an 11:11 pinkie wish.
 A tradition with me. My birthday is 11/22.
I thought I made it up but it turns out to be a bit of a phenomenon.  
For me, though, I make a wish.  If anyone else is around, I make them hook pinkies and make a wish, a positive thought, a blessing.
Hey, it can't hurt. Nanci had said she wanted to participate in that with me when I came to visit,
so we did!  Yay.

Saving a Dragonfly
Spotting her struggling in the sand, surrounded by sea foam
 we gently picked her up. Letting her dry a bit in the air, we let her go, 
only to watch her fall.
 After several attempts, I noticed that there was some debris, like a string fragment, stuck to her tail. You can see it in the photo. Carefully, I removed it.  My long fingernails come in handy sometimes.  This time, holding her to the wind, she flew away.  It was such an uplifting experience; hopeful, like one can make a difference, however small. There is power in little things.
Moments fleeting on transparent wings.
Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse
  This is a replica of the original, which was first lighted on Dec 1, 1871.
On Dec 31, 1914, a wave, said to be "one of the most unusual sea actions of all times." shot up the the 175 ft seaward face of the Head, taking with it the lives of  7, 15, 17 and 28 year old boys.  The first 3 keepers died while in service.
The present operating lighthouse cannot be seen from here and is automated and unmanned.
A view of the beautiful bay, on the other side of the point, or head,
 from the beach.
The photo below was hanging in the women's room of our restaurant.
To me, it looks like the Endeavor, Captain Cook's first ship. No one in the restaurant could confirm it, but some said that they believed it was the re-creation of the original.  That  re-creation of the Endeavor sailed in to Kealakekua Bay in 2000.  Our Hawaiian church, Kahikolu, welcomed the crew and local dignitaries with a ceremony, everyone in authentic costumes,  and our choir sang.  We had the best Hawaiian choir in the islands at that time.
Can anyone out there confirm this ship?
My friends on the Big Island?
Captain Cook fans?

Friday, June 26, 2015

Trip log  Day 14  Leaving Florence; Former neighbors, Forever friends and Club Blok

 Morning View from Bill and Kathy's    It's hard to leave them and this peaceful, comfortable place  but I'm heading down the coast of Oregon to Eureka, CA. Florence was voted one of the best towns in OR and USA by whoever does the voting on those things.  I'm a travel magazine junkie so I read them all.  I would have to agree; Quaint harbor, unique little shops and restaurants.  Sand dunes. Ocean. River.  Water.  Any water works. Tears, too.  I shed a few leaving here.
                                                                     I will return!
My footprints coming and going

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Journey's End. 3 weeks, 5,000 miles and 7 pounds later

Under the Rainbow
After the journey of 5,000 miles and 7 pounds, I am home.
The kids and I watched "The Wizard of Oz."  Hard to believe they hadn't seen it before since it was my favorite movie most of my life. (Now, it's "Love Actually")
Seeing the story from fresh eyes, I understood the appeal.  We all share this journey called life.     As I watched Dorothy click the ruby slippers together for the hundredth time,  repeating "There's no place like home." it really sunk in.  I had an amazing adventure but it is great to be home. Home.  What is home for me?  The rental home we will be moving from in a month?  The newly renovated Foreclosure we're moving into?  My dream home, delayed again by the rain?  Home is where I am.  Wherever I am; On our home planet or the stars from which we came, an universe in motion; Constantly changing, evolving.

The purpose of both my recent journey and my life's journey is to be in the moment.  Yes, I will reflect upon my recent road trip, which I stopped Blogging after day 14 because I was too busy doing, being and experiencing it to write about it.
Although another purpose was to visit dear friends and family, solitude played an important part.  Thanks to my IPod, the driving was entertaining, although so many songs reminded me of Dard and Hawaii...of all my loves and special places. 
 Love leaves it's footprint, like a fossil.  Music stirs emotions, like a flood. "Memories light the corners of my mind, misty water color memories."  
 I never really liked that song much, even as schmaltzy as I am, (that one is a bit much.) but it sure touched me on this trip.  "The way we were." "The way I was.  They way it was...once. Reflections of memories burned into the brain and etched upon the heart.  Also a recipient of the repeat button,  Faith Hill, "Stronger"   "This is a letter to my heart. I just want us to be free... 
We both will be stronger."
So, I will be  And so I am.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 13. Neighborhood reunion.
3 sets of neighbors from tiny Ancient Trail Rd, Napoopoo, captain cook, HI
We all met up in Florence (love that town!) Oregon.
Bill & Kathy lived  over 30 years in Napoopoo.  Pat & Steve were the neighbors directly below us.
The moved back to Corvallis, OR after 15 years.  Dard & I performed their wedding ceremony at PU'uhonua O Honaunau.  Dard was married to Lora at the time & I was married to Bruno.
Little did I know, Dard & I would be married there a few years later.  
Even less did I know we would end up divorced after 13 years together.
Life is full of surprises!!!

Day 14.    Oregon Beach day with Kathy Blok.  Bill & Kathy were my neighbors for over 20 years
In Captain Cook.  Here's what kind of neighbor Kathy was.  When Bruno was very ill with cancer, and we had family visiting, Kathy dropped by with 2 huli (rotisserie) chickens.   Perfect.  We had no dinner planned.  Then she asked if there was something else she could help with.  I said, " yes, I could use help making his bed.  So she helped me with that. This is true, neighborly giving.  They hosted me for 4 days at their home by the water, with it's own little beach.

It was such a healing & peaceful time.   I was so sorry to leave today.  Good friends are forever!

Friday, June 5, 2015

With Samantha. The birthday girl.  In Springfield, OR.

Deb Hollembaek,    Springfield. OR

Annie.  In Eugene, OR.  Met her in Kona.
Today I drove from near Seaside, OR to Springfield.
Visited my former neighbor in Capt. Cook, Pat, 
At her beautiful home in Corvallis.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

"Ocian in view!  O!  The joy."
Written, including spelling, by Capt. William Clark Nov 7, 1805, after traveling over 4,000 miles across North America.  I feel the same way.  Ocean!  Yay.
View from the condo at sunset.  It rained our first day here.

We had the best lunch ever here in Astoria, OR
By the sea.  Quant little town.
Good friends are forever!

Sacagawea, Monna, and me.  Fort Clatsop, OR.  End of the road for Lewis and Clark.  They wintered here from Dec 7, 1805 to March 23, 1806, with the help and friendship of the local Indians, the Chinook and Clatsop.  We know what ended up happening to them!
Monna with big fallen mossy tree

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cozy room in Portland.

                                            My comfy & cozy bedroom at Monna & Jim's.

Day 5.   The Coumbia River. driving to Portland along the  Columbia River Gorge.

Impressive how wide it is!  Looks wider then the Mississippi but not muddy.  So beautiful with the train tracks on either side of the river.  Wish I had a better photo but it was raining and no place to really stop and shoot.  Drove through another dust and wind storm in the middle of Oregon and then hit the rain.  The road is called the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.  That has special meaning to me.  This is also the 45th parallel, halfway between the North Pole and the Equator.  The Big Island of Hawaii is the southernmost point in the United States.
The Columbia River is full almost to overflowing.  California should be so lucky!   I passed some impressive Dams and I love bridges.   There are no rivers in Hawaii, but who needs them when you are surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.
Now, I am on the other side of the Pacific, having arrived safely in Portland.  For 4 relaxing days, I am hosted by my dear friends, Jim and Monna, two of my favorite people, in their beautiful and comfortable home.  Monna, one of the funnest and funniest people I know, has a real green thumb with a gift for flowers. (Also, the gift of gab. We both have that.)
Here's her little flower garden.  There are flower arrangements all throughout the house.  I love them and I love it here.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Perrine bridge.  Day 4

Driving 84 on the 84.  (84 mph on I 84) I stopped at the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls Idaho after saying Goodbye to my sister and Salt Lake City.   This is where my baby brother broke the world record for BASE jumps on 2008.  Google him.  Dan Schilling.  You will also find out that he is a decorated soldier from Black Hawk Down.  He received the bronze star with valor and wrote a book called, "The Battle of Mogadishu."  Proceeds of which  go to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.  As my father said, "Your brother is a God damn War Hero."
I got there a little too late to see any jumpers.  Bummer.  But, honestly, just being there made me so nervous.  I have a fear of heights.  Got it from my father who couldn't even look over the edge when we got to the Grand Canyon.  Obviously, Dan did not get that gene.  (Although, I did go sky diving on the North Shore of Hawaii, but that was NEVER on my bucket list.)
 I wanted to take a photo from the bridge but my knees were weak and my hands were shaking. I was afraid I might drop my phone.  So much for bravery.  Some consider my recent life changes and current journey to be brave but this cannot compare to my brother of whom I am so proud.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Here is the card I picked at Peggy's.  I think it's kinda funny.  I think we're pretty funny, especially when we're trying to be  serious.  In spite of the worst lunch we have ever had together, it was a really fun time.  Lots of laughs.  Hitting the road early tomorrow.  Heading to Idaho and the Perrine bridge where my brother, Dan, broke the world record for BASE jumping.
End of day 2.

I arrived at Peggy's in Salt Lake City at 9:30 pm, having left Albuquerque at 7:00 am.  Long day.
She was with her dear friend, Rebecca, who I met last visit in April.  She's like another sister to us.We stayed up partying and laughing until very late. Sister bonding time.  We are feeling closer than we've ever been.  We're both single and our lives no longer revolve around our men.  It's a good feeling.  Men are too much work!
I'm enjoying my freedom  but still healing my broken heart.

As many of you know, 11:11 is a special time for me.  It is a special time, period.  Wherever I am or whoever I'm with, we stop, hook pinky fingers and make a wish.  This was mile 1111 of my trip. 
This is where we were:

Road Trip Day 2.     14 1/2 hours to get to Salt Lake City from Albuquerque.  2 hours of road work delays.  I'm happy to see America's roads being improved, big projects, but it sure cost me time.  That, and having to stop twice to get the spilled cranberry juice out of my shirt. The first area of road work was by Ute Mountain.
I was lucky enough to be the first car.  So I just got out, took pictures and walked around.
If my Subaru could take a selfie, it would look like this:
My little blue Forester is named Sapphire.  We drove through some beautiful country,  or "cunt ry" as Dad would say it.  This is some mighty beautiful "cunt ry."  It always cracked us up, and embarrassed us a little the way he said it.  We were like, "Does he know what that sounds like?"
  Dad loved the Wild West and particularly Utah's magnificent scenery.  I drove through Canyonlands, Arches, Capital Reef, Ute mountain and Moab.  Just a drive by.  Too many miles to make a stop.  It so reminded me of Dad.  He inspired a love of America's natural wonders in me and I thank him for that.  I also thank him for Sapphire.  It was due to my inheritance from his life insurance policy that I was able to buy her.  And because of that, I was able to send my Odyssey Van to Tira and Mike.  Thanks, Pop. This part of my journey is for you!  Love you.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Road Trip. Day One.   12 hours on the road from San Antonio to Albuquerque  with  2 incidents of nearly Biblical proportions.   After all, Mercury is in retrograde.  First of all,  it's a barren road.   Even  much of what was once occupied is abandoned.  Without music, it would not have been possible. Between my IPad and my IPod I have over 7,000 songs.  For the first time half, I used Shuffle Songs. I enjoy the eclectic mix from classical to jazz, country to  rock, sound tracks to show tunes, oldies to modern, with the exception of rap.  Much as I've tried, I just don't like it.  Can't understand the words anyway, which the kids tell me is a good thing for the most part.  The 2nd half, I followed themes, or Albums, from Radiohead to Sinatra with a heavy dose of Hawaiian thrown in.  God, I miss Hawaiian music on the radio!  We do have a commercial free jazz station but I lost  that just outside of San  Antone.

After about 8 hours of pretty boring scenery, it got interesting.  At  first I thought it was a mountain but then I saw it was moving. A giant cloud of dust, fresh out of Lawrence of Arabia.  I've never been in a force like that.  Sandblasted, I had to pull over.  Like all things, I knew it would pass. And it did.  Ok.  That was an adventure which lead to another.

In Lubbock, I hit the biggest downpour I have ever driven in.  Couldn't even drive.  Had to pull over.  It was coming down in sheets and I found myself in the middle of a lightning storm.  In the very middle.  It was hitting around me on all sides. Close!  For the first time in my life, I actually felt a little fear of lightning, realizing, it could actually hit me.  Emergency vehicles passed.  I waited in the deluge for a half an hour, then decided to follow a big truck.  I couldn't see the lines in the road but could follow the lights ahead of me. Flooding was a problem but I do have a Subaru all wheel drive Forester.  That helped.  Still, didn't want to end up another statistic of a driver who didn't make the crossing.  I did make the crossing and am comfortably in my hotel room on Albuquerque.  On to Salt Lake City tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happy 7th birthday Paisley.
She is a sweet as her smile.  In all honesty, I've hardy known such a kind natured, considerate, and compassionate child.  And her siblings can be challenging.  They are for me.  She really loves  and cares for them.  Check out this expression as she looks at Charlotte.
Tonight after our celebration for her, we picked Angel Cards.  She picked 
Authenticity.  Twice.  And then it fell out of the deck at the end. (Special attention.)
 I thought that was a rather odd card until I thought about it. She truly is an authentic human being; sincere, unpretentious, real.  There's nothing superficial about her.  That makes her easy to tease.  She believes every word you say.  Her father likes to tease, and like me, she is an easy mark.  We're kinda gullible.  But she is a softer spirit than I.  She gives unconditionally and wants everyone to be happy.
Here's an example.  Riding next to her father in the car, he had her hold the ice cream on her lap.  She was so excited and said.  "I can't wait to have some."  To which teasing Tyler replied, "Paisley, we have enough for everybody but you."  She reflected on it a moment and replied, "OK,   Daddy."
That's just the way she is.  And I love every bit of the way she is.  
May God protect you, precious child.